(This is a draft page still under preparation - please let me know any corrections or additional information/examples.)

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Decree 17-TTg of 9 January 1958 - Issuing the Charter Provisions for the Golden Honor Table, Glorious Family Table and Resistance Order for Families

Circular 18-TTg of 9 January 1958 - Guiding Decree 017-TTg Regulations on Rewarding Glorious Family, Honory Gold Table and Resistance Order for Families>


Pursuant to Decree No. 129-SL of December 16, 1952, establish the "Honorary Golden Table" and "Glorious Families" to reward families with military service, and Circular No. 222-TTg of December 16, in 1952 and subsequent documents supplementing and detailing the implementation of Decree No. 129-SL of December 16, 1952;

Decree No. 88-SL of September 20, 1947, stipulates the reward for families with 3 children or more to join the army;

- To annul Circular No. 222-TTg of December 16, 1952, Circular No. 379-TTg of May 19, 1954 and documents previously promulgated by the Prime Minister contrary to the attached charter. following this decree.




References (Please let me know others at rdavemail-medals@yahoo.com) :
